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Saturday, October 30, 2010

On Being Thankful

This year's ride is in the books and all donations are in - this post-ride recap, however, is woefully late, and for that I apologize (Debbie reminded me that the Christmas poem was just around the corner!).

Logan, Taylor and me at the finish in Provincetown, MA
PMC 2010 was as eventful and full of memorable moments as always - I even made the front page of the Boston Globe on day 1 (that's me in the very bottom left, seriously).  This year, I was able to ride, dine, and speak with senators Scott Brown (R) and John Kerry (D) as both rode form Sturbridge to Bourne on day one.  Senator Kerry was coming off hip replacement surgery (#2 I think!) and Senator Brown was headed out to the Middle East, after riding 110 miles, the very next morning.  Kudos to the senators for continuing to show their support by riding under those circumstances, although I'm quite certain both are well aware of the sacrifices that the patients for whom we ride are making, rendering the sentators' medical and travel "challenges" routine by comparison.

Together we raised $5,475 - eclipsing the $5k mark for the first time!  I am truly thankful for your support and humbled by your generosity.  As I often like to do, and with the benefit of more participation history under my saddle, I've taken a look at the fund raising numbers over the years, and here is what I've found.

With the exception of 2008, the total amount raised and the average donation has risen steadily.
The total number of donors has remained remarkably steady, and the number of repeat donors continues to increase.
I'm looking forward to the challenge of raising the fundraising bar in the coming years, in particular by leveraging social media.  I have a modest network of friends on Facebook and a slightly more modest list of followers (hopefully growing) on Twitter, but with each friend and follow my reach and opportunity to influence donations grows.  Social media is increasingly becoming a part of my job (anyone's in marketing for that matter), and it seems to have worked well for Doug Haslam, who has a nice summary of the impact of Social Media on his fundraising efforts.  I have some time to think it through, but it'll be here before I know it - registration comes in January!

As for the winner of this year's $200 donation challenge drawing - according to the accounting firm of Taylor and Logan, LLC - that bounty goes to Greg Greely!  Greg, the check is "in the mail."

The PMC is about many things to each of the 5,000+ riders who train and raise money year after year - I think this video captures it nicely.  For many it's the triumph over a dreadful disease - for others it's remembering those who weren't as fortunate.  Before sunup on day two of this year's ride, someone from the "Auburn Family" passed away after nearly 10 years of battling cancer.  We are constantly reminded of our daily grace and reasons to give thanks.

Thank you for your continued generosity, and see you on the road!

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